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Standard operating procedure

Missing codes No: 016D

1. Introduction

The missing codes are invaluable in providing information as to why data is absent from sections of subject documentation.

2. Responsibilities

Research nurses recording subject data are responsible for ensuring missing codes are inserted on all documents.

3. Equipment

  • None

4. Method

  • Missing code boxes are positioned at the bottom right hand corner of all subject recording documents.

  • Ensure to insert a missing code in the box after completing each section of a document.

  • All missing codes (including completed codes) are illustrated in table1.

    Table 1
Information complete 1
Subject refused to give information 2
Details not known by subject 3
Subject does not meet inclusion criteria 4
Subject unwell, visit incomplete 5
Subject not willing to do a procedure 6
Procedure terminated on medical grounds(e.g. vaso-vagal attack) 7
Unable to find a suitable vein 8
Subject disrupted procedure & not willing to continue (e.g. moved arm during venepuncture) 9
Unable to collect full sample 10
Subject refused to undress for a procedure 11
Equipment malfunction or not available 12
Monitor not available 13
Other (please specify) 14

  • Completed documents with no absent data should have the relevant missing code inserted in the missing box to denote that all the information is present.
  • After completing a document, ensure that all the boxes are complete, before the subject leaves.

5. Additional Information


6. Reference Documents




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